Week 3 FINAL Results - The Genesis Invitational
1 23 30 Benny2stacks Homa $1,674,000 Scott $40,455 Spieth $151,125 $1,865,580
2 14 19 GAMECHANGER Homa $1,674,000 Leishman $51,925 Matsuyama $0 $1,725,925
3 10 16 Jagged Little Phil Finau $1,013,700 Matsuyama $0 Rahm $344,100 $1,357,800
4 21 4 Dr Locks Finau $1,013,700 Johnson, D $262,725 Watson, B $0 $1,276,425
5 9 18 Shankapotamus Cantlay $151,125 DeChambeau $0 Finau $1,013,700 $1,164,825
6 8 21 Dusty Boardman Finau $1,013,700 McIlroy $0 Scott $40,455 $1,054,155
7 18 20 Delayed Slice Cantlay $151,125 Johnson, D $262,725 Rahm $344,100 $757,950
8 32 34 Mmiles843 Hovland $344,100 Kim, SW $0 Rahm $344,100 $688,200
9 25 9 Golfballwhackerguy Cantlay $151,125 Johnson, D $262,725 Schauffele $151,125 $564,975
10 13 15 Bucky Hovland $344,100 Morikawa $28,179 Schauffele $151,125 $523,404
11 5 3 Sweet 16 Cantlay $151,125 Hovland $344,100 McIlroy $0 $495,225
12 4 6 HACK Hovland $344,100 Scheffler $101,835 Scott $40,455 $486,390
13 31 28 TheWhite1 Cantlay $151,125 Johnson, D $262,725 Na $40,455 $454,305
T-14 26 17 ShatteringWindows Hovland $344,100 Leishman $51,925 Scott $40,455 $436,480
T-14 27 29 SSI For The Win Hovland $344,100 Leishman $51,925 Na $40,455 $436,480
16 16 22 Bogey Train Hovland $344,100 Leishman $51,925 Morikawa $28,179 $424,204
T-17 20 24 P Dubs Tigers Johnson, D $262,725 McIlroy $0 Schauffele $151,125 $413,850
T-17 22 27 ChardGotti Cantlay $151,125 DeChambeau $0 Johnson, D $262,725 $413,850
T-19 2 2 The General DeChambeau $0 Koepka, B $40,455 Rahm $344,100 $384,555
T-19 29 31 Call Me Eldrick Garcia $0 Hovland $344,100 Scott $40,455 $384,555
21 19 10 Lead Tape DeChambeau $0 Rahm $344,100 Thomas, J $0 $344,100
22 12 25 Bogeyman Cantlay* $151,125 Schauffele $151,125 Scott $40,455 $342,705
23 1 1 Cinderella Story Johnson, D $262,725 Morikawa $28,179 Niemann $28,179 $319,083
T-24 6 8 Qdogg14 Johnson, D $262,725 McIlroy $0 Scott $40,455 $303,180
T-24 3 13 Power Faded Johnson, D $262,725 Scott $40,455 Watson, B $0 $303,180
26 33 33 Embeddeds Cantlay $151,125 McIlroy $0 Schauffele $151,125 $302,250
27 17 5 Team Hat Trick DeChambeau $0 Johnson, D $262,725 McIlroy $0 $262,725
T-28 7 11 Water Hazard Cantlay $151,125 DeChambeau $0 Scott $40,455 $191,580
T-28 15 12 Jowens8 DeChambeau $0 Schauffele $151,125 Scott $40,455 $191,580
30 11 7 ParStruck Cantlay $151,125 DeChambeau $0 Morikawa $28,179 $179,304
31 28 23 Marcus Cantlay $151,125 Hoge $22,153 Ortiz $0 $173,278
32 24 32 Chubbsrighthand Schauffele $151,125 Thomas, J $0 Watson, B $0 $151,125
33 35 26 Icecream Koepka, B $40,455 McIlroy $0 Scheffler $101,835 $142,290
34 30 14 Alf McIlroy $0 McNealy $0 Scott $40,455 $40,455
35 34 35 The Flying Wasp VACANT $0 VACANT $0 VACANT $0 $0